"I gave God this year"

“I’m currently on a gap year at Nottingham Trent Vineyard. I am on their discipleship year with a group of people from all over the country. The ministries that we are involved in range from youth to compassion (food banks and soup runs) to outreach in local schools through assemblies and youth alpha. And I will be going on a mission trip to LIV Village in Durban, South Africa.

Loads of people have asked me why I’m doing this year. Every time I give a different answer but the best one is: why not?!

I grew up in Christian family and in church but when I got to secondary school we went less and less and I started to struggle with my mental health at school. (Including some messy crying in front of teachers I barely knew!) My mum found Croydon Vineyard on Facebook and reluctantly I agreed to go. Best decision ever!!!!

That summer I went to Soul Survivor with the youth group. I had an incredible experience, including receiving the gift of tongues and I came back completely changed. It wasn’t obvious at first but when I look back, that was a pivotal moment of faith.

Almost 2 years ago I found out about this gap year and immediately knew it was what I wanted to do next. In between then and now, I’ve lived through a pandemic, online schooling and A-level exams…all of which have tested my faith to the max. Even though I know I can never repay God for all the amazing things he has done for me, I can give him this year of my life.”


Croydon Vineyard